Accreditation |
Unaccredited |
Address_line_1 |
70 Brompton Road |
Admin_hierarchy |
/England/London (English Region)/Westminster (London Borough) |
Deprivation_index |
5 |
Deprivation_index_crime |
1 |
Deprivation_index_education |
6 |
Deprivation_index_employment |
10 |
Deprivation_index_health |
10 |
Deprivation_index_housing |
1 |
Deprivation_index_income |
10 |
Deprivation_index_services |
3 |
Geodemographic_group |
London Cosmopolitan |
Geodemographic_group_code |
5ar |
Geodemographic_group_name_long |
5ar-London Cosmopolitan |
Geodemographic_subgroup |
London Cosmopolitan |
Geodemographic_subgroup_code |
5a1r |
Geodemographic_subgroup_name_long |
5a1r-London Cosmopolitan |
Geodemographic_supergroup |
London Cosmopolitan |
Geodemographic_supergroup_code |
5r |
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long |
5r-London Cosmopolitan |
Governance |
Unknown |
Latitude |
51.499774 |
Longitude |
-0.164215 |
Name_of_museum |
Independent Television Authority, Broadcasting Gallery |
Notes |
The gallery was still open in early 1980s: The IBA ceased operating in 1990: |
Postcode |
SW3 1ER |
Primary_provenance_of_data |
MusCal |
Region_country |
London |
Size |
small |
Size_prov |
mm_prediction_random_forest |
Subject_Matter |
Leisure_and_sport-Film_Cinema_and_TV |
Town_or_City |
London |
Year_closed |
1983:1990 |
Year_closed_source |
See notes |
Year_opened |
1968:1968 |
Year_opened_source |,+70+brompton+road&source=bl&ots=P53YE8yf_m&sig=W8nPLKGwBGkW5VIx32Sp8wcCsQ4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidgrLDs6TVAhXRalAKHcdkCPYQ6AEIOjAE#v=onepage&q=gallery&f=false |
media |
0 |
project_id |
mm.Mus70Cal.016 |