Under Number of museums in the left hand menu:
Open at a given time:Use this bar chart to see the number of museums in existence in a specific year (It excludes museums closed at that point).
That opened up to a given time: Use this bar chart to see the total number of museums that had opened up to a specific year (it includes museums that may have since closed).
That closed up to a given time:Use this bar chart to see the total number of museums that have closed up to a specific year.
Open over time:Use this graph to see the number of museums in existence across time.
Openings over time: Use this graph to see how many museums opened in each year.
Closings over time: Use this graph to see how many museums closed in each year.
Openings and Closings over time: Use this graph to compare the numbers of museums opening and closing in each year.
Use the left hand menu to view the bar charts and graphs according to the categories of governance, location, size, and subject matter. Where relevant, you can also use the date slider beneath the chart to change the year in view.
Under Table in the left hand menu:
Use this heat map to generate numbers of museums in two categories: for example, to see numbers of museums according to size and subject matter.
Select a category for X and a different category for Y from the menu. Set the year by using the slider beneath the chart.
See Glossary for more detailed information about these terms.
Governance: Governance is the system by which museums are directed and managed at the highest level.
Subject Matter: The overarching topic addressed by the museum.
Size: Size is calculated on the basis of visitor numbers. Huge (1million+), Large (100,000 –1million), Medium (10,000-100,000), Small (0-10,000).
Location: Location is organised according to the administrative areas of each country.
Geodemographic Group: A classification system that describes small areas in the UK based on the characteristics of the population they contain.
Geodemographic Subgroup: A more detailed version of geodemographic group.
Deprivation Index: A measures for the relative deprivation of geographic areas in the UK, with 1 being the most deprived and 10 being the least deprived