Accreditation Unaccredited
Address_line_1 Thurston
Address_line_2 46/48 St Anne Street
Admin_hierarchy /England/North West (English Region)/Liverpool City Region (English CA)/Liverpool (English District or Borough)
Alternative_museum_name Norman Clare Collection
Alternative_museum_name_source New
Deprivation_index 1
Deprivation_index_crime 2
Deprivation_index_education 2
Deprivation_index_employment 2
Deprivation_index_health 1
Deprivation_index_housing 4
Deprivation_index_income 1
Deprivation_index_services 5
Geodemographic_group Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_group_code 2ar
Geodemographic_group_name_long 2ar-Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_subgroup Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_subgroup_code 2a1r
Geodemographic_supergroup Business Education and Heritage Centres
Geodemographic_supergroup_code 2r
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long 2r-Business Education and Heritage Centres
Governance Independent-Private
Latitude 53.412963
Longitude -2.976381
Name_of_museum The Snooker Heritage Collection
Notes Open by appointment only, as the museum is housed in business premises. Opening date range is based on the recollections of the founder's son, via email.
Postcode L3 3DW
Primary_provenance_of_data New
Region_country North West
Size small
Subject_Matter Leisure_and_sport-Other
Town_or_City Liverpool
Year_closed 9999:9999
Year_opened 1980:1985
project_id mm.New.241