AIM_size_designation Small Museum (up to 20,000 visitors p.a.)
Accreditation Unaccredited
Address_line_1 Apartment 4
Address_line_2 Eagle House
Address_line_3 53 Paradise Street
Admin_hierarchy /England/North West (English Region)/Liverpool City Region (English CA)/Liverpool (English District or Borough)
Deprivation_index 4
Deprivation_index_crime 1
Deprivation_index_education 8
Deprivation_index_employment 10
Deprivation_index_health 3
Deprivation_index_housing 1
Deprivation_index_income 10
Deprivation_index_services 3
Geodemographic_group Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_group_code 2ar
Geodemographic_group_name_long 2ar-Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_subgroup Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_subgroup_code 2a1r
Geodemographic_subgroup_name_long 2a1r-Larger Towns and Cities
Geodemographic_supergroup Business Education and Heritage Centres
Geodemographic_supergroup_code 2r
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long 2r-Business Education and Heritage Centres
Governance Independent-Not_for_profit
Latitude 53.403754
Longitude -2.985556
Name_of_museum The Kathleen & May
Notes_internal AIM entry is The Kathleen & May Heritage Trust. Entry amended to reflect name of museum
Postcode L1 3EU
Primary_provenance_of_data aim
Region_country North West
Size small
Size_prov aim_size_designation
Subject_Matter Sea_and_seafaring-Boats_and_ships
Town_or_City Liverpool
Year_closed 9999:9999
Year_opened 1960:2017
Year_opened_source [RANGE]
media 0
project_id mm.aim.1093