ACE_size_designation Independent - type one
ACE_size_source mm.ace.175
AIM_size_designation Small Museum (up to 20,000 visitors p.a.)
AIM_size_source mm.aim.0048
Accreditation Accredited
Accreditation_source mm.ace.175
Admin_hierarchy /England/North East (English Region)/North East (English CA)/County Durham (English District or Borough)
DOMUS_Subject_Matter transport
DOMUS_identifier 720
Deprivation_index 5
Deprivation_index_crime 7
Deprivation_index_education 5
Deprivation_index_employment 4
Deprivation_index_health 2
Deprivation_index_housing 10
Deprivation_index_income 4
Deprivation_index_services 6
Geodemographic_group Services Manufacturing and Mining Legacy
Geodemographic_group_code 6ar
Geodemographic_group_name_long 6ar-Services Manufacturing and Mining Legacy
Geodemographic_subgroup Mining Legacy
Geodemographic_subgroup_code 6a2r
Geodemographic_subgroup_name_long 6a2r-Mining Legacy
Geodemographic_supergroup Services and Industrial Legacy
Geodemographic_supergroup_code 6r
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long 6r-Services and Industrial Legacy
Governance Independent-Not_for_profit
Identifier_used_in_source_database NE000003
Latitude 54.630414
Longitude -1.565384
Name_of_museum Aycliffe And District Bus Preservation Society
Notes Museum is essentially a mobile museum and thus has no permanent premises. Included as has been accredited. As necessary to file a postcode used is that of primary museum contact - this is not reflective of actual location.
Postcode DL5 4UL
Primary_provenance_of_data domus
Region_country North East
Size small
Size_prov domus
Subject_Matter Transport-Buses_and_trams
Visitor_Numbers_Data 0:500:1994:domus
Year_closed 9999:9999
Year_opened 1980:1980
Year_opened_source dfoundation
media 0
project_id mm.domus.NE003