Accreditation Unaccredited
Admin_hierarchy /Wales/Ceredigion (Welsh UA)
Alternative_museum_name Trer-ddol Museum
Deprivation_index 7
Deprivation_index_crime 9
Deprivation_index_education 8
Deprivation_index_employment 8
Deprivation_index_health 10
Deprivation_index_housing 4
Deprivation_index_income 8
Deprivation_index_services 1
Founder R. J. Thomas
Founder_source see notes
Geodemographic_group English and Welsh Countryside
Geodemographic_group_code 3ar
Geodemographic_group_name_long 3ar-English and Welsh Countryside
Geodemographic_subgroup Older Farming Communities
Geodemographic_subgroup_code 3a1r
Geodemographic_subgroup_name_long 3a1r-Older Farming Communities
Geodemographic_supergroup Countryside Living
Geodemographic_supergroup_code 3r
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long 3r-Countryside Living
Governance Government-National
Latitude 52.511984
Longitude -3.976075
Name_of_museum Yr Hen Gapel Museum
Notes HYBRID. Operated by Ceredigion District Council on behalf of National Museum of Wales 1988-1996. GOVERNANCE CHANGE. Independent Private 1961-1976. Government National 1976-1996. Originally founded by R. J. Thomas as a museum of bygones. Museum became a branch of St Fagans, part of the National Museum of Wales. Displays were changed to history of religion 1978-88, then reverted to bygones 1988-1996. Visitors 1976-77: 1419; 1977-78: 1440. From National Museums Wales annual reports. Source for subject and governance changes is Ceredigion, Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society. Vol. 13, no. 3, 1999, p87.
Notes_internal Was a branch of St.Fagans
Postcode SY20 8PN
Primary_provenance_of_data Misc
Region_country Wales
Size small
Size_prov mm_prediction_random_forest
Subject_Matter Mixed-Bygones
Town_or_City Machynlleth
Year_closed 1996:1996
Year_opened 1961:1961
Year_opened_source doc35
media 0
project_id mm.misc.132