Accreditation Unaccredited
Address_line_1 High Street
Address_line_3 Northleach
Admin_hierarchy /England/South West (English Region)/Gloucestershire (English County)/Cotswold (English District or Borough)
Deprivation_index 8
Deprivation_index_crime 8
Deprivation_index_education 8
Deprivation_index_employment 7
Deprivation_index_health 9
Deprivation_index_housing 3
Deprivation_index_income 7
Deprivation_index_services 6
Geodemographic_group English and Welsh Countryside
Geodemographic_group_code 3ar
Geodemographic_group_name_long 3ar-English and Welsh Countryside
Geodemographic_subgroup Older Farming Communities
Geodemographic_subgroup_code 3a1r
Geodemographic_subgroup_name_long 3a1r-Older Farming Communities
Geodemographic_supergroup Countryside Living
Geodemographic_supergroup_code 3r
Geodemographic_supergroup_name_long 3r-Countryside Living
Governance Independent-Private
Latitude 51.82861
Longitude -1.832981
Name_of_museum Mechanical Music Museum
Notes Closed following the death of the owner in 2019. The building was sold and the instruments were removed although it is not clear what happened to the collection.
Postcode GL54 3ET
Primary_provenance_of_data musassoc
Region_country South West
Size small
Size_prov mm_prediction_random_forest
Subject_Matter Arts-Music
Town_or_City nr. Cheltenham
Year_closed 2019:2019
Year_opened 1985:1985
Year_opened_source tc (15/12/17)
media 0
project_id mm.musa.220